Monthly Archives: March 2014

Still alive, y’all!

For some reason I feel sane enough to post a quick update here. (It’s possible there is some shame involved, too. I mean, why have a blog if I’m not going to update it regularly?) I’m not sure if this is an indication that I actually have more writing time coming my way (cue deranged laughter here, as Roz is a crawling champ now), or if this is just the eye of the storm. Regardless – yay! Words! On my blog!

March is a happy month for me. I have 2 (count them, TWO) stories coming out within a week of each other – “Shrugging Off the Weight of the World” will appear in Fireside Magazine ( and “The Shifter” with Metro Fiction ( Both publications have great editors and great communication, and I’m thrilled to be working with them.

So the good news is that I appear to be pretty good at selling flash fiction. All four of my stories that have found their ‘first publication rights’ homes are all flash. I’m cool with selling flash, but I’d like to think my other, longer, stories have some merit that will help them find homes eventually.

In other, non-writing-related news, my Pilates classes will be appearing any day now on Piranha Fitness On Demand ( Piranha Fitness is one of the amazing studios I teach for here in College Station, and we are recording my Pilates mat classes whenever we have the good, non-buzzing camera (A PiYo class that I cotaught with another amazing instructor, Kayce is already up – here’s a clip: This is a cool opportunity for me because 1) I like performing for the camera, even if it’s just me giving some killer ab exercises, and 2) Doing this makes me really, really think about how many filler words I’m using in class, and so now I’m excising my excess words while exercising. (See what I did there?). I’m always up for improving as a teacher, and I always need to find more ways to GET TO THE POINT when I’m talking, because I can go on and on and on and on sometimes.

If you know me and nodded to yourself while reading that, I hate you just a little bit.

So anyway, it’s a cool opportunity for me, and I’ll give a short shoutout here when my videos go up, if you’re interested in checking them out.

Other than that, it’s business as usual: I teach a little too much and yet not enough, the house is never quite clean, Roz’s diapers don’t get changed quite as often as they should, I don’t make my own meals as much as I’d like, and words don’t get on the page as quickly as I want them to. ‘Tis the season to be feeling this way, though, I think. It’ll change soon enough!